
Shopping Bags Holder green

  • A container designed to store and organize plastic or fabric shopping bags, or trash bags.
  • You can conveniently set it up inside the door of a wardrobe. Place it where it’s most convenient for you: in the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, or garage.
  • It can hold up to 30 bags. Insert the bags through the top hole, and pull them out from the bottom hole. It’s very practical thanks to the wide openings.
  • The rounded shape, both inside and outside, makes it very easy to clean.
  • Design, technology, quality 100% Made in Italy.
  • Use & Reuse product – 100% Recyclable.

Technical features

article no.000382

ean no.8001136 909702

article size cm28.5 x 14 x 8

article weight kg.0.160

packPaper Band

specific data30 sacchetti

Quality raw materials, latest generation production systems, repeated checks, offer the guarantee of a product made to be used daily and last over time.